Career Day Speaker Bay Area - Corporate magician & entertainer in the Bay Area.

Bay Area Career Day Speaker


I would be delighted to give high-school or college students a back-stage pass to what it is like to be a professional full time magician and entertainer.

Most recently I spoke as a career day speaker at Lowell High School's College Kickoff Day Saturday March 17th, 2018. I spoke to Juniors about college and work.

The three main point I focused on were:
Facing your fears.
Finding mentors.
Find your why.

In addition I discussed:
Why you shouldn't follow the crowd? The statics when I graduated high school in 95' all pointed to accounting as the go-to career.
How not to get discouraged.
Trying lots of different things.
Don't be afraid to work hard.
Don't be afriad to ask for help.
Build your network, before you need it
Learning Soft skills and Learning to Sell
The art and importance of the elevator pitch,
Being memorable with Rhymes and Alliteration
Have a goal and make a plan.
Write things down. All the things I've accomplished I wrote down.
Focus is learning to say no
There is only one you. What ever you do be the best at it. Why settle?
What would you do if money were no object?

I didn't do particularly well in High School. I got around 1100 of 1600 SAT score. I didn't know what I wanted to do but I was passionate in my interest. I invested in my interest and for me that involved goint to as much magic lectures, and conventions as possible. I when to at least one lecture a month and one convention a year since 1999.
I also discuss competitive advantage. I retell a story in high school why I chose to pole-vault. There were only two pole vaulters in the entire city. That guaranteed me placing second in All City. I took this strategy into business and it allowed me to dominate in niche markets.

Why should you listen to me? Success leaves clues! I'll share with your students some of my insights in a very competitive field and how I rose to the top of corporate entertainment and garnered all the clients listed below.

Clients include

Your students will be intrigued by the back story including:

Who have I performed for? Billionaires including the Google founders, CEO of Yahoo, George Lucas, Yao Ming, John Madden, Paul Abdul, Draymond Green, Tim Ferris and many other celebrities and tech moguls I've performed for.
Where have I performed? Half Time Games for Berkeley and Stanford, NBA Warriors and hundreds of Corporate Events, Libraries, Birthday parties and more.
I'll include advice. When you're still don’t have to worry get a fun job while you're still living at home. A job that interest you and a job that you'd do for free.
I talk about the various jobs I've had in the past including being a SF Recreation Assistant, Assistant Swim instructor, Paypal, Coast Guard Reserves, Sailing Instructor, Windsurfing Instructor, Magic Shop sales person and a magician performing over 5000 shows.
What I learned in college? I've forgot much of what I've learned in college but some of the things that still help me make mission-critical decisions are SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats), Potter's Five Forces, and Case Studies

Currently I'm giving my talks for free for any highschools in the Fremont area. I'll also give your students a discount code to experience my magic and dinner show.

Dan Chan Master Magician

Custom tailored entertainment solutions

Corporate Events and Cocktail Parties

Guaranteed Reactions!


What does Richard from Airbnb have to say?

Smartphone magic

Using a spectator's phone

Testimonial from Tim Ferris' party

8 years later and clients are still talking about it... Find out why celebrity author of the 4 Hour Work Week ONLY hires Dan Chan Master Magician for his last 4 parties.

Bay Area Dinner Show

Perfect for corporate buyouts and special occasions!

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