Educational School Assemblies


Inspirational school assemblies that entertain and educate

A customized show for your next school assembly

Are you looking for a school assembly that has educational content and plays big? Consider a school assembly with Dan and James!

The family fun show is a show visual enough to entertain all age groups. This visual show can include visual demonstrations. We may demonstrate Newtons laws of Physics by floating a table, juggling 3 to 6 balls to show how important physical education is, and showing what should NOT happen at recess: stuffing a kid (We use my son as an example) inside a 6-foot tall balloon. A character building show with a custom-tailored message might be more appropriate for grades 3 and up. In addition to STEM topics, Dan can also customize the show to integrate messages on anti-bulling, hard work and perseverance.

"Train your brain" is the perfect assembly for students middle school and up. Train your brain teaches students how to improve their memory. Using the power of association and imagery students will remember large chunks of information with the least amount of repetition. Dan debunk several learning myths and explain the logic behind them. Dan will also talk about accelerated learning progressions and how to utilize them. For larger assemblies, Dan will go to the older classrooms to inspire and teach them further. Schools utilize him every year to implement his signature training progressions and motivate their students.

Find out for yourself why Dan is the "Ultimate school assembly magician". Awarded Oakland Magician of the Year, San Jose Master Magician of the Year and the title of Bay Area's Best Magician, Dan is the most in-demand school entertainer in the Bay Area. We guarantee BOTH the teachers and the student will love this show!

Dan has performed for include Lydiksen Elementary and Carlton Elementary in 2018. These shows are shows that pack big with over 300 plus in the audience in each of the shows.

"Most school assembly magicians are too cheesy, especially for the older student and teachers. You're the perfect entertainer for our event!" - Holy Name School San Francisco - *3 time client

Please contact Dan today for further details, costs and scheduling.

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